A friend had an old metal box he got with one of his machine shop tools and never used. I mounted it to the diamond plate he cut for me and now I have a secure metal "trunk" for the Tiddler.

I used allen head bolts from underneath and wing nuts on the inside for security and easy removal. Steve has some great ideas, guess that's why he's the machinist/artist.
While I was at it, the wife has a daily demand for me on the way home from work in the morning (I work nights). She's a little high maintenance and "doesn't care for drip coffee". What ever.
So she demands (let me tell ya, I hear it when I don't do it) her morning iced latte from Dutch Brothers. What the hell? I'm riding a motorcycle from 1969! There aren't any cup holders!
Well now there are.

And it stores all my crap with room for a strategically placed helmet

Not bad for a little extra time on the weekend.
Yeah, I know the box is blue and the bike is yellow. I didn't take that much time! There are other weekends